Learning Armenian to Help You Reconnect with Your Roots

Armenian classes

The Armenian language has a fascinating history. It is a part of the Indo-European language and it is a cousin of French, Spanish, Italian, and German. If you wish to reconnect with your Armenian roots or simply want to understand its rich culture, enrolling in one of the Armenian classes can be your ticket to meeting your goal. 

Should You Attend Eastern or Western Armenian Classes

For centuries, Eastern and Western Armenian have been diverting from their classical roots. Many speakers of this language settled in other lands. Western Armenian is different from Eastern Armenian in terms of pronunciation, spelling, word choice, and idioms. However, if you speak a form of this language, you can still understand the other standard form without difficulty.

Confusing for Fledgling Armenian Speaker 

If you’re still new to the language, you may be confused with the pronunciation, common phrases, etc. Hence, Anita Tutor recommends focusing on either Eastern or Western Armenian. 

How to Better Learn the Armenian Language? 

This language has a unique alphabet. It is one reason it can be a huge challenge if you are just starting to learn it. Just like any language learning, learning Armenian needs a long-term commitment. You want to be consistent to reinforce what you learned. 

However, it is vital that you lay a good foundation so you can fully grasp its alphabet, basic pronunciation, common words, phrases, etc. A good private tutor can help you improve your grammar and syntax. They are necessary to give the language shape and structure. Without knowing proper Armenian grammar, you still can’t put a cohesive sentence together no matter the number of Armenian words you have memorized.

Armenian classes

Take Up Armenian Courses 

If you wish to learn Armenian, there are different avenues you can go to. There are online apps that can assist you in learning this language. Most of them offer both Western and Eastern Armenian audio courses. They feature vocabulary and practice conversation. 

However, if you want your kids to learn Armenian, online apps may not be the right tool for them. Instead, consider enrolling them in Armenian classes with private tutors. In that way, the tutors can supervise them properly so they have a good foundation in this language. With a private tutor, they can strengthen their grasp of this language. When your kids attend this class, they are encouraged to speak and converse in this language, which can be extremely helpful for them. 

8-Week Course 

At Anita Tutor, we offer Eastern and Western Armenian classes. They are open to kids ages 4 and up. We have beginner courses if your kids are still new to this language. On the other hand, if they have been speaking this language but you simply wish them to improve it, then our intermediate courses can help. Both courses will boost their conversation, reading, and writing skills. 

If you wish to know more about our Armenian classes for your kids, please contact us here: (747) 400-7624


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